Each digital mural panel shown in this collection can be printed onto the classic “vinyl on non-woven” substrate, proposed in two different texture versions to be chosen. For installation in humid environments, such as bathrooms, spas or swimming pools, it is possible to print them on fiberglass, which is a highly resistant material and which is completed after the installation by suitable waterproofing and antibacterial primer (resin).
Glass fiber base
GLASS FIBER - Glass fiber base
Fiberglass is perfect for installation in humid areas such as bathrooms, shower interiors, swimming pools, kitchens, etc…
The high resistance to wear, moisture absorption and rubbing, completed by the final application of a resin with a waterproofing effect, make it one of the most selected materials by architects and designers for big projects.
Gold foil base
with non-woven backing
GOLD FOIL - Gold foil base with non-woven backing
The brilliance and iridescence of this support emphasize the brightness of the texture, guaranteeing an exclusive effect in the rendering of the shades and vividness of the colours.
The panel is enriched with iridescent golden, warm and sunny effects.
Vinyl base
with non-woven backing
TELETTA BASE - Vinyl base with non-woven backing
The canvas-style texture of this support gives a pleasant satin effect to the printed panel, enhancing its colours and design and creating an artistic final effect.
NOTE: all panels shown in this section can be produced and printed on this base.
Vinyl base
with non-woven backing
GRANITO BASE - Vinyl base<br />with non-woven backing
The fine textured granite effect of this support is optimal, if you want to give an “industrial look” to the printed digital mural panel.
NOTE: all panels shown in this section can be produced and printed on this base.

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